Life-Long friends building memories…
Last year this very same week I was on a family vacation in Baha Mar and received a call from one of my longest and closest friends. She wanted to let me know that she had just received a breast cancer diagnosis. She had walked with me 23 years prior when I went through the same diagnosis. Like everyone, hearing a diagnosis of cancer, there are so many emotions and my friend’s response was no different. What was different for her? She was surrounded by brothers and sisters-by-choice who had gone through different diagnosis and/or challenges through the years; and, not only survived but thrived by the grace of God. Most importantly, for my friend, she is grounded in her faith. This helped Ching’s journey through this season of her life to be so much more hopeful for a positive outcome.
Like I said before, my friend Ching walked with me through my diagnosis, treatment and recovery 20+ years ago; and, now she was asking me to walk this journey with her. I was happy to be present by listening, praying, advising and just being available to her. Early on as a symbol of the difficult walk ahead together, she sent me a package. It was a super huge box but inside there was a simple pair of slip-ons from All Saints with a note to help prepare us and memorialize this period in both of our lives.
I relied most on the following two biblical scriptures through-out my life. Many of you know that my day-to-day verse is Romans 8:28. It is included on my personal signature as a reminder. It says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. For my diagnosis, treatment and recovery journey, I clung to: John 11:4 “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” When I tell you that verse was in my head, in my prayers and on my lips; but, 20+ years later I would truly gain an understanding of the meaning of that verse. This past year throughout Ching’s diagnosis, surgeries, treatment and now recovery she surely “glorified God through it”! It was an awe-amazing experience to walk with my friend, see her administering God’s faith to the doctors, nurses and all of those around her with true joy. It’s not to say that she wasn’t human and afraid but each time fear crept in, God would “assure” her again.
Ching praised his name with confidence, cheer and a sense of humility that only comes from the great I AM. She claimed it as an “Amazing Season of Proclaiming God’s Goodness to Wear HIS Victory”.
All I can say to that is Amazing Grace, my friend, Amazing Grace!
I encouraged Ching to keep a journal because perhaps she would want to share this time of her life with others; letting them know that God’s glory carried her through and that it would carry them through whatever journey they faced ahead too.
Last month, Ching Chuang-Chow published “BRIDGE, The Power of God’s Vanishing Point.” She shares her complete journey of rising above her human fears and embracing “the foundation of biblical understanding and how Jesus’ character was shining bright over her ‘bridge’ to her ‘vanishing point’”. For those of you who don’t know, because I surely didn’t, vanishing point is used as an architectural term. Ching is an architect.
BRIDGE, The Power of God’s Vanishing Point, Ching Chuang-Chow published by Enhanced DNA Publishing
The brothers and sisters in Christ who Ching chose to be close to for so many years were asked to walk this journey with her. To pray, to encourage, to inspire and to just “be” for her. She asked Ruth E. Smith, Stacey Lim, Caleb & Megan Pierce, Christine Mok and me to contribute a chapter to her book; along with her young adult son, Jordan Chow.
If you’re on a journey that you’re struggling to walk through, can’t catch your breath and have no one to truly lean on to walk with you please consider reading BRIDGE: The Power of God’s Vanishing Point. It will inspire you to finish your journey with confidence. Enjoy the read!