one of my daughter’s first pieces of artwork :)
In 1994, The Parents Day Resolution was unanimously passed by congress to recognize the fourth Sunday in the month of July as a day to celebrate parents across our nation. explains it as “On this day each year, Americans recognize outstanding parents, celebrate the teamwork in raising children, and support the role of parental guidance in building a strong, stable society.”
Makes total sense, but who knew? Well, I admit that I didn’t; and, that means my husband and I have been missing out these last 15 years enjoying a day that celebrates parenting and parenthood.
If asked what is the hardest but most fulfilling role you have ever had? My answer would be a parent; and, I believe my husband would answer the same way.
Our daughter brings us tons of joy, love, and laughter. Plus, as a family we simply have a lot of fun together. Yet, being responsible for molding and training up a child to become a contributor to this world is not easy. Instilling our basic family values that often goes against the values of the world is a battle that we have to fight each and every day. So, yes I am being brutally honest to share that being a mother is the hardest role I have ever had in my life but it is the most gratifying too!
Like most families we value God, integrity, decency, kindness, compassion, honesty and more; yet, we are held accountable to teach our child how the world is hard, how everyone isn’t kind; and, yes that there is just pure evil present that pounces on opportunities. So, beware.
While it is frightening to know this I also know that none of us can approach life frightened and scared. So, I catch myself, challenge my thoughts and change the script to encourage my daughter to use her moral compass and embrace the good in the world; but, don’t be naïve because there is bad in the world too. I do this because my daughter should feel free to be and to become the woman God has already designed and proclaimed her to be. I don’t need to project my worst fears on to her. I just need to help her prepare and be aware.
She is human and she will sometimes get it wrong, like we all do, but that is why for me and my family we recognized that God’s mercies are new each and every single day; and, parenting takes patience, understanding and forgiveness which isn’t always easy to have and/or give. And, like my parents did for me and my siblings we too are on our knees praying that God will protect and keep our daughter.
We also know it’s important to show-up and be present, know what’s going on in her life. Even at those times where she doesn’t necessarily want us involved. As parents we attend every event, if we know in time, we put it on our calendars and show up. We realize that it’s a luxury to be able to be present for everything and we don’t take it for granted. My daughter and I have fun laughing about a time when she was in 7th grade and she asked me not to come to her basketball games anymore. I looked at her and replied, “That will never happen.” Years later she laughs or I should say giggles with delight that I didn’t listen to her and that she knew even at that age that her parents would unequivocally be there for her.
As we prepare to celebrate National Parents Day this Sunday, July 23rd I plan on being intentional in celebrating that it takes teamwork to raise a child that will help build a strong and stable society. It is a privilege to be a parent. I thank God for all of the outstanding parents out there… you know who you are … you show-up, inspire and encourage even when it gets hard. Happy Parents Day!
Sonya Ruff Jarvis is a Business & Marketing Consultant; Content Creator & Connection-Maker; Thought Leader & Industry Expert and Book Author & Entrepreneur. Areas of expertise include: Retail; Marketing; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI); and Human Resources. Sonya has been a part of the B2B retail industry for more than 30 years. Interested in Sonya’s books? They can be found on Amazon or get an author autographed copy at
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