Image Credit: Unknown
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Throughout October, I have been sharing my breast cancer journey with you, through these posts. As I said before, I believe that this experience had a tremendous effect on the woman I am today.
I was single, moving up in my career, owned an apartment in one of the best neighborhoods of New York City and thought I had it all, which included a great boyfriend. Who knew that a breast cancer diagnosis would be around the corner and bring me to my knees?
As you know from my previous posts, I pulled out my breast cancer diary and these memories have stimulated the desire to share some of my story with you. I have never been this open before, other than with my network of family and friends. The pages of my diary back in 2000 are filled with prayer after prayer; and biblical reference after biblical reference; as well as examples of gratefulness after gratefulness. It was hard, but with prayer, my bible and being grateful for each and every moment I was able to get through it, stronger, not only physically but through my relationship with Christ.
When I got to the other side – meaning after surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments; I decided that I wanted to work at getting my body back. I was a runner prior to my cancer diagnosis and felt that having a goal would get me back in shape. I decided that I wanted to run the 2001 NYC Marathon. I signed up and didn’t get in - you may know how hard it is to get accepted to run the NYC Marathon. Well, I appealed to them with my post-breast cancer goal, and they welcomed me to participate. It was an amazing experience and I will save that journey for another blog post that I look forward to writing through the eyes of a breast cancer survivor. But there is a diary entry that sums up my feeling of standing on the Staten Island Bridge waiting for the 2001 NYC Marathon to begin. Here is one of my earliest entries that I would like to share with you.
Image Credit: Scott Jarvis
March 9, 2000 diary entry:
“My testimony … I believe that God has been preparing me for this season in my life. Over the past six years, God has truly been working in my life to mature me in HIM. I became a Christian at age 13 and over the next decade, would grow very slowly and would only seek God when I was in need of something. Like anyone, I was shocked when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After 12 hours of hearing the news, I called on God, my family, friends and my church family. Prayer is awesome and God is Good.
I prayed and meditated on God’s word. I can honestly tell you that God has been carrying me. It’s been two months since my diagnosis and I don’t wonder how I got here because I now it’s through God’s grace.”
And, I still feel the same way.
In awareness of breast cancer month, I shared my journey through my blog post I, blog post II and now this third and final blog post. While it is not complete it does give you a snapshot of those early days of diagnosis and who I have become today. Please be aware of breast cancer 365 days a year over the 12-month period and not just in October. Take care of yourself both body and mind. And always, be aware and celebrate the remarkable women in your lives – those that you have lost to this terrible disease and those who have survived.
Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and the Founder of the eRetailer Summit and JC Event Group. An expert in her field, Sonya has been published in numerous retail industry b-to-b publications. Sonya shares her experiences in her book series Mindful Minutes: A Marketer’s Journey Through Business. In addition, Sonya collaborated in publishing an anthology, Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Their Breakthroughs to Success. Purchase Sonya’s books here.
Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in Trumbull, Connecticut.
Follow Sonya on twitter at @jarvisconsult or @eretailersummit