Sharing my PINK Season during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Over the years, I have posted about my Pink season (it lasted one full year). In recognition of #BreastCancerAwareness month, I am dusting off some archived posts from Sonya's Blog that focused on my personal and up-front experience with a breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, recovery and surviving. I continue to share my experience. Everyone has their own and unique experience as they walk through this journey.

My advice, this season is do your own breast exams, don't put off getting a mamogram, and know that the disease can affect you or anyone around you.  It doesn’t discriminate. And, for those of you who are more like me with dense breasts please get an ultrasound too.  The mamogram never showed the pea size cancer growing in my left breast but the ultrasound did.

It saved my life because it was caught early!

I am now able to share my story and give others hope. It was a season of my life that I will never forget. I was young and it helped to shape me into the mature woman that I am now. Sharing my journey with breast cancer some 24+ years ago which seems like a lifetime ago; yet, like yesterday at the same time.

Take a read through Sonya’s Blog of posts of my Pink season and please know if you or someone dear to you needs hope, it’s here, there and everywhere! You can make it to the other side of this diagnosis. I hope my story gives you some blessed assurance.

Healthy and Blindsided…

I was running for me…

October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey:  Post III

October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey: Post II

October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey Post

Walking with my friend on her journey…

Part I: Don’t do these 10 things when someone has breast cancer.

Part II:  Do these 10 things when someone has breast cancer

It certainly is a life event that I will never ever forget.  I am grateful and my prayer is that I show that each and every single day. And, if you have a Pink season consider sharing it because far too many of us are silent and we need to give others hope.

Sonya Ruff Jarvis is a Business & Marketing Consultant; Content Creator & Connection-Maker; Thought Leader & Industry Expert and Book Author & Entrepreneur. Areas of expertise include: Retail; Marketing; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI); and Human Resources. Sonya has been a part of the B2B retail industry for more than 30 years. Interested in Sonya’s books?  They can be found on Amazon or get an author autographed copy at 

Ways to Work with Jarvis Consultants!

Strategies: We help small to mid-size companies develop business, marketing, and event management strategies.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI): We help companies create DEI strategies and approaches that are implementable and sustainable based on their objectives.

Business Coaching: We coach Founders of small to medium size businesses who want to take their organization to the next level.

Project Management: We support companies that don’t have the personnel resources internally; we help them create projects from the development stages to implementation; and, a tactical management process.

New Business Development: We help clients research and explore new business opportunities and/or emerging trends that can be optimized and generate incremental revenue including content.

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