I have been blinded by pink this month in recognition of October as Breast Cancer Awareness month. I am sure you have been too. While women are predominately affected by breast cancer it does also affect men. Richard Roundtree died yesterday, October 24, 2023. He is best known for the character he played called “Shaft”. He was 81 years old. Many people don’t know that Mr. Roundtree was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1993 and had a double mastectomy. He didn’t die of breast cancer but his passing during Breast Cancer Awareness month doesn’t go unoticed; and, I am specifically calling out men here. Take note, do breast examinations and don’t let anything that doesn’t seem right go unchecked.
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Sonya’s Blog tackles a two part series that will cover the Do’s and Don’ts in supporting a loved one through diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Earlier this month I published the first part of a two part series in Sonya’s Blog entitled Part I: Don’t do these 10 things when you know someone has breast cancer.
Here is Part II: Do these 10 things when you know someone has breast cancer. And, these days it’s unfortunate that we always know someone who knows someone. So, if you don’t know someone directly perhaps when a family member or friend is talking to you about someone that they know who has been diagnosed, you can offer some advice.
While I’m not the resident expert, I do have first-hand experience with a breast cancer diagnosis back in 2000. I am thankful, grateful and beyond blessed that is why I support others going through this journey and offer personal and up-close tips to help remain positive through-out.
Someone close to you has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Do these 10 things!
#1 Do Listen - there are no words; so, just listen.
#2 Do be Empathetic - you know the saying “there by the Grace of God go I”.
#3 Do Support - with encouraging texts, notes, treats, etc.
#4 Do Provide - a meal, a ride to/from treatment, a walking buddy.
#5 Do Connect - don’t ghost because you’re uncomfortable remain in connection.
#6 Do Remember - when it’s an important day like surgery, treatment, check-up, anniversary.
#7 Do be Aware - pick up cues how your “someone” is feeling both mentally and physically and respond accordingly.
#8 Do go Beyond- to make them feel special and loved during this time.
#9 Do give Grace - overlooking those times that are insensitive or hurtful.
#10 Do Celebrate - each and every milestone!
As this month comes to end and whether you’re wearing pink or being blinded by pink; please know wearing the color pink is the first step in solidarity in creating breast cancer awareness but it doesn’t stop there. You have the power to know some Do’s and Don’ts when someone close to you has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Use the ones that work for you, share others but know that we have the opportunity to offer support and healing in our approach to those who we love and/or know have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
For all of you receiving a breast cancer diagnosis; and, those of you going through treatment, I see you and I have been there too. Stay strong, focus on you and you will move forward!
Interested in hearing about my journey? Here are additional posts from Sonya’s Blog over the years.
October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey: Post III
October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey: Post II
October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey Post
Walking with my friend on her journey…
Part I: Don’t do these 10 things when someone has breast cancer.
Sonya Ruff Jarvis is a Business & Marketing Consultant; Content Creator & Connection-Maker; Thought Leader & Industry Expert and Book Author & Entrepreneur. Areas of expertise include: Retail; Marketing; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI); and Human Resources. Sonya has been a part of the B2B retail industry for more than 30 years. Interested in Sonya’s books? They can be found on Amazon or get an author autographed copy at www.jarvisconsultants.com.
Let’s talk about your next project and how Jarvis Consultants can support your initiatives; email sonya@jarvisconsultants.com.