This month, throughout March, we celebrate women in history. We celebrate those females who have made a history-making difference; and/or have made a major contribution to making our way of life better. Women have always made a difference in the lives of their families and communities; but, weren’t given the same civil rights and liberties as men. Women have been fighting for rights since our country was established. So, as we celebrate women this month, I hope we do it knowing that most of them accomplished so much with so little – no support, no education, no equal rights and the list goes on.
As I think about past Marches, I started wondering exactly when did we, as a nation, start recognizing Women in History, specifically in March?
Well, are you glad I asked the question?
Originally, the United States started recognizing Women’s History for the week of March 7, 1987; thereafter, in 1995 the government has recognized March as women’s history month. I had the opportunity, pre-Covid, to have a book signing event at the Indianapolis Propylaeum which was the headquarters for women’s suffrage in the 1920s. I was wondering why women’s history is relegated to just one month; but, hey baby, we have made progress from just one week to an entire month!
September 2019: I am at the Indinapolis Propylaeum for my second booking signing event!
All sarcasm aside, thankfully there is recognition for all of the women who have famously contributed to our country’s growth and progress, making it the best country ever! But, as I think of the women I want to celebrate., I think of the women who I have used as role models like my Grandmother, my Mother, my Aunties (I was blessed to have 12 and that’s not counting the in-laws); my Sister and those that weren’t my blood but undoubtedly loved me and influenced me over the years like my dear Mother-in-Law and a woman that was just like my Grandmother.
September 2019: My sister, Sabrina and I at the Indianapolis Propylaeum.
It’s easy to be honest here, because I have so many wonderful nieces that have come after me who I admire! I know that they contribute to their families, their communities and out country; and I am so proud of the history and legacy they are producing. While I truly respect and am thankful for the women that made history in science, technology, sports, the arts and more; my heart tells me to celebrate those that aren’t in the history books but have made history in so many of our lives.
My heart is full, not only, for the month of March, but for each and every day that I celebrate the women making history in my life, in our communities and in so many different disciplines, inventions and areas. To each and every one of them, I say thank you for your contributions; and know that you are celebrated each day but that the month of March is a special 31 days set aside to recognize your awesomeness!
Image Credit: U.S. Embassy in Slovakia - Madeleine Albright, first female Secretary of State.
This blog was being written while I received an alert that Madeleine Albright died. Her books and political thinking influenced me during my young adult years, and I will be forever grateful for her calm, respectful and to-the-point demeanor. May she rest in peace as we celebrate that she left this world brighter with her democracy-forward approach.
To all women, celebrating each other – those before us and those after us –
Cheers to Women’s History Month 2022!
Sonya Ruff Jarvis is an entrepreneur and Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants LLC, is a Business & Marketing Consultant; Content Creator & Connection-Maker; Thought Leader & Industry Expert and Book Author & Entrepreneur. Areas of expertise include: Retail, Marketing, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and Human Resources. Sonya has been a part of the B2B retail industry for more than 30 years . Please feel free to contact her at Interested in Sonya’s books? They can be found on Amazon.