Baha Mar, Nassau, Bahamas: August 2022
October is pink month focused on building awareness and fundraising for research that will lead to a breast cancer cure.
Many of you know that I was diagnosed in January 2000 with stage 1 breast cancer; had a lumpectomy, followed by aggressive chemotherapy (because I was so young); and, ultimately finished the treatment with radiation. I was Her2 negative; so, there was, at the time, no recommended and/or available treatment after radiation like there is for Her2 positive diagnoses.
I journaled through my experience in the year of 2000. Here’s an entry from my journal on July 24, 2000.
“Wow! I can’t believe that it has been almost a month since I’ve made time to sit down and write down my feelings. In some ways I can’t believe that chemo treatments are done. It’s as though I have emerged from a dream only to face reality. Looking back and knowing that the time has passed and yet realizing that you are in the present.
I only have one answer to realizing where I am now and where I was and that’s Almighty God, our Father of Israel has carried me through:
The initial diagnosis
Chemotherapy Treatments
And now, today I started the final phase of treatment with a radiologist oncologist consultation. 6 ½ weeks of M-F of radiation to the breast to treat the local area. Each phase of the process I experience different emotions. Today, it was more of an emotion of sadness of what’s ahead.
Sadness for all of the people in the building that are sick too.
Sadness that I have little control over all of the things that are happening – isn’t that weird? Because I know viscerally that God is in control of all things.
Also, I feel that I was emotional in so many ways today because the fatigue is bothering me. It’s day #4 after the final chemo treatment and I’m battling the side effects from that. I’m tired a lot but I’m really trying to stay with walking along the East River every day for 3 miles or so. (Approximately 1 hr.). It helps me clear my head and also it helps me think through thoughts and process emotions.”
For all of you receiving a breast cancer diagnosis; and, those of you going through treatment, I see you and I have been there too. Stay strong, focus on you and you will move forward!
Interested in hearing about my journey? Here are additional posts:
October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey: Post III
October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey: Post II
October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey Post I
Sonya Ruff Jarvis is an entrepreneur and Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants LLC. Sonya is a Business & Marketing Consultant; Content Creator & Connection-Maker; Thought Leader & Industry Expert and Book Author & Entrepreneur. Areas of expertise include: Retail, Marketing, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and Human Resources. Sonya has been a part of the B2B retail industry for more than 30 years . Interested in Sonya’s books? They can be found on Amazon. Please feel free to contact her at to talk about your next project and how Jarvis Consultants can support your initiatives.