One day last January, when we were all still in the midst of the pandemic I had lunch with a dear friend to celebrate her birthday. No snarly comments please, we sat outside with electric heaters on a cold but sunny day in southern Connecticut. It was one of the few restaurants that was trying to outlast the virus and stay in business. They had created an outdoor space with heaters on the ceilings and portable heaters next to the tables which were positioned 6 feet away from each other.
It was nice to see my friend in person; although, no vaccines had happened at that point and we both kept our masks on when we were not eating. Jennifer Formoso, everyone calls her Jenn, approached me with an idea for a book. It was all about gathering a good number of folks that would be willing to share their blessings they received in spite of the pandemic. I immediately loved the idea! I agreed to participate on the spot. Like most, during the height of the pandemic, both my husband and my businesses had suffered; and, our daughter had been stuck home with remote learning; but, still I knew there were so many blessings God continued to grace me/us with that I wanted to share.
Well, almost a year later it is book launch day! I couldn’t be happier for Jennifer Formoso who is the idea behind the book; and, the 18 contributing authors (including myself).
Here’s the description of the book.
“In Pandemic Blessings- Stories of Thanksgiving in an Unusual Time, author Jennifer Formoso shares her own personal story of coming to know and trust Jesus, as well as blessings received during the COVID-19 Pandemic, despite the struggles, difficulties, and loss inherent during this period. She answers the following three main questions, and also asks contributors to do the same:
How did you come to know Christ?
What role has Christ played in your life to date?
What blessings, big or small, did you notice or receive during the challenge of living through such an unusual, unprecedented period in our lifetimes?
Jennifer Formoso and eighteen contributors, in heartfelt and thoughtfully unique stories, provide answers to these questions in this book. Submitted with the love of Christ to lift up His Holy Name, we pray that you as the readers will find peace, comfort, inspiration, and blessings amongst these pages. The book is published by Enhanced DNA Publishing.
Jennifer Formoso, inspiration and presenter behind Pandemic Blessings
This Thanksgiving season, I am so thankful to be among the list of contributing authors sharing their inspiring stories of blessings; and, Christ’s role in their lives. It is a humbly experience and it warmed my heart to read each story.
If you’re interested in purchasing the book, it is available on Amazon. Or, if you would like an autographed copy from me, please shop here on my website. There is a more than 20% savings if you buy it on my website and it includes the cost of taxes and shipping. I believe you will enjoy each contributing author’s story as much as I did.
My heart is full of gratitude and I remain faithful. May you and your family be blessed abundantly with love, peace and hope this Thanksgiving season.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sonya Ruff Jarvis, a life-long marketer, has been a corporate executive, bible study teacher, organizer of events with tens of thousands attendees and now a successful small business owner. And through all of this, Sonya has run the New York City Marathon, survived breast cancer and created an innovative business-to-business customer relationship model. She and her husband live in Connecticut with their daughter and their Havanese dog who completes their family.
Her first book, "Mindful Minutes: A Marketer's Journey Through Business", is the debut of a series of books on business, branding and event marketing. Additional information and Sonya’s Blog can be found on
"Mentoring Moments: 14 Remarkable Women Share Breakthroughs to Success" is an anthology where Sonya shares her story of perseverance and persistence in her chapter, "Propelling Forward Through Perseverance and Persistence".