Thank you nurses, doctors and first responders!

In celebration of #NursesDay2020 yesterday and #NursesWeek2020 week this post is dedicated to all of the nurses, doctors and first responders.  My niece, Keli is a hospice nurse at a Veterans hospital and I have always admired her for the profession she chose.  Nurses, doctors and first responders are special people that can do the work that many of us just cannot tackle.  I am speaking for myself.  For me, it is just too hard, too haunting and too sad.  For them, based on conversations that I have had with my niece, it is fulfilling and a privilege.  So, thank you nurses, doctors and first responders for your everyday service.

Thank you, Keli!

Thank you, Keli!

We see you!  Most importantly, we want you to know that it does not take a global pandemic or major disaster for the world to see you.  We know that you are everyday heroes who continue to soar during the worst situations.  You are always consistent and reliable.  Whether it is a disaster or a pandemic, healthcare professionals and first responders continue to run toward the danger lending their expertise, skills and empathy.  They continue to rise to the challenge and I know many of us have been expressing our awe of them.  We are thankful for them! 

Their ability to serve is amazing.  Their strength to do the job, even with all of the sacrifices they have to make, is unwavering.  Yes, there are other fields like this too including the military and law enforcement to name a few who equally put their lives in danger and make tremendous sacrifices for something bigger than themselves; bigger than ourselves.  With the COVID-19 pause, we are celebrating the nurses, doctors and first responders and highlighting their sacrifices during this time.

As we continue to learn more and read personalized stories we are all affected in one way or another. Companies, brands and individuals are donating their time and resources to help healthcare workers.  Like you, I am grateful for all of the companies that are investing resources to help support these workers.  In case you have not had the chance to learn about some of the amazing contributions made by these brands, here are a few:

Nike is donating $5.5 million worth of products including sneakers, socks, and T-shirts to healthcare workers in the US and Europe

Free shoes, Starbucks and more: These brands are giving back to nurses, health care workers

50+ Companies Doing Good & Giving Back Amid COVID-19

Publix is buying milk and produce that farmers would’ve been forced to dump and donating it to food banks

In addition, there are a number of manufacturers in the home and home improvement industry that are giving back; and, I am proud to know them and thank them for their contribution when our country (and the world) is in a time of need.  Here are just a few:

Jacobs & Thompson Inc. to supply face shields to Federal Government

JK Adams: Personal Protective Equipment and COVID-19 Response

DuPont Mobilizes Covid-19 Response Efforts

There are so many more great companies and individuals giving money, time and developing creative programs that are helping healthcare providers and first responders during this time.  #NursesDay2020 and #NursesWeek2020 could not have come at a better time to celebrate these front line workers.  We see you!  Thank you nurses, doctors and first responders!

Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and the Founder of the eRetailer Summit and JC Event Group. An expert in her field, Sonya has been published in numerous retail industry b-to-b publications.  Sonya shares her experiences in her book series Mindful Minutes:  A Marketer’s Journey Through Business.  In addition, Sonya collaborated in publishing an anthology, Mentoring Moments:  14 Remarkable Women Share Their Breakthroughs to Success. To purchase Sonya’s books go to AMAZON.

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in Trumbull, Connecticut.  

Follow Sonya on twitter at @jarvisconsult or @eretailersummit.