What's your CAUSE?


Whether you are an independent business, big corporation or an individual what's your CAUSE?  What are you fighting for to help your employees, customers, community, or even the world become a better place?

Does that sound cliché?  Well it’s not.  Did you know that @engageforgood recently reported that Cause Sponsorship will reach $2.06 billion in 2017?   

Many companies will support charitable initiatives that have been declared “the cause” for that particular month.  Other companies will contribute to a lot of different charities while not committing wholly to any one cause; and, that works for them.  While, others have a cause that reflects their mission statement and keeps them on track in representing their values both internally and externally by consistently contributing to a pre-determined charitable cause. Still, there is another group that evolves in the causes that they represent.  It all depends upon the season that they are going through (in their business or in their lives) whether the disease, natural disaster, etc. is affecting them or someone they know. 

Whatever charitable cause you choose to connect your brand to please make sure that it's genuine and that you truly believe in it. A recent Unilever study shows that 33% of consumers buy from brands doing social or environmental good.  The major objective shouldn't be to drive traffic to your store, casino or website. Or, to increase sales because you're doing something charitable and want credit for it. If you are genuinely in it to make a difference all of these benefits are by products and will happen if you are committed for the long run. 

Be fickle, uncommitted or fake and your efforts will be seen as that... 

Be true, committed or real and your efforts will be seen as that...

The choice is yours. 

Last year, I was able to participate in the local Alzheimer's Walk to help raise money and awareness about this terrible disease in honor of my Mom. When my friend and I arrived at the walk area there was a huge Dunkin' Donuts tent with complimentary coffee, donuts and muffins.  That jarred a pleasant memory for me that was more than a decade old. Yes, Dunkin' Donuts supported a breast cancer run that I had participated in for years in Central Park; and, I remember that I never knew that Dunkin' Donuts sponsored this event until the year I ran it as a breast cancer survivor. As a survivor, I had access to a VIP tent that offered complimentary Dunkin' Donuts treats. 

Yes, a donut VIP tent was an awesome experience.  Access to donuts, coffee, and special promotional items made me feel special.  And, I have to believe that subconsciously that was one of the reasons that I started making it a point to frequent Dunkin' Donuts.  So, whatever your CAUSE know that done right it can have a lasting affect and build a loyal customer; all, the while you’re making the world a better place…

Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in Fairfield County Connecticut.  

Follow Sonya on twitter at @jarvisconsult or @eretailersummit.